Amla For Hair: Explore Amazing Amla Benefits For Hair & How To Use It?

Amla For Hair: Explore Amazing Amla Benefits For Hair & How To Use It?

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As more and more people are awakening to the fact that going back to our roots can address and alleviate several hair, skin, and body issues, there has been a lot of talk about the utility and significance of nature’s bounties. In this blog, let us talk about one such ingredient that can truly transform your hair care routine for the best. We are sure that you must have heard your mother or grandmother talk about the prodigious benefits of Amla, and what we are about to tell you is a purview of that. 

Amla - A Nutritious Ingredient

Amla is popularly known as Indian Gooseberry. This fruit has a distinctive bittersweet taste and it is a powerhouse of nutrients and antioxidants. Ayurveda has strongly proposed the use of Amla for hair and for centuries, this fruit has been used in various forms to work its magic on hair. 

Explore Incredible Benefits Of Amla For Hair

The following benefits can be attributed to the use of Amla for hair:

Amla is a rich source of Vitamin C, antioxidants, and various other essential nutrients. (1) This regulates the blood flow to the scalp which keeps issues like hair loss and a receding hairline at bay. 

One of the most noteworthy benefits of Amla for hair is that it can be very helpful in managing an itchy scalp, dandruff, and other hair related problems. This is because amla has anti-fungal, antiviral, and antibacterial properties. (2)

  • Prevents Premature Greying Of Hair

When we use Amla juice for hair, we can effectively manage premature greying of hair. This is because Amla is rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C that can ward off the detrimental effects of oxidative damage and stimulate the production of melanin. This is instrumental in keeping those greys away. 

Amla juice is good for hair as it is slightly acidic and matches the pH level of your scalp. By maintaining a healthy scalp, Amla creates a conducive environment for your hair to grow. 

  • Protects Hair From External Damage

Vitamin C, tannins and calcium content in Amla (3) empower your tresses to withstand the detrimental effects of external aggressors while maintaining their strength and shine. 

How To Use Amla To Boost Hair Growth?

There is absolutely no denying the fact that Amla is good for hair. You can use this wonder fruit in your hair care regime in the following ways:

  • Amla Hair oil

Amla oils are one of the most popular ways of using Amla in hair. It is usually combined with a carrier oil and then topically applied. 

  • Amla Hair Shampoo 

After oiling your hair and scalp, you can use an Amla enriched shampoo to experience excellent results. Try out the hair-fall shampoo from Earthraga to reinforce holistic hair-care. 

  • Amla Powder

You can mix Amla powder with water and henna to create a thick paste. Apply that paste to your hair and scalp and then wash off with a good shampoo after 30 minutes to one hour. 

While incorporating any product in your skincare and hair care routine, a patch test is always recommended to look for signs of skin itching and irritation. 

All the above-mentioned advantages of Amla for hair strongly prove the point that this fruit is a treasure trove of benefits that can boost your hair health and make you flaunt your gorgeous tresses. So, check out Earthraga and choose their amla-infused hair care products that perfectly resonate with your hair care aspirations and be ready to set forth a highly effective hair care journey in motion. 

Frequently Asked Questions On Amla For Hair  

  • Is amla good for hair growth?

Yes. The Amla used for hair growth is a tried and tested natural remedy. 

  • Does amla help to turn white hair into black?

The antioxidants and other nutritional properties in Amla can help manage premature greying of hair but it necessarily won’t turn white hair into black. 

  • Can I apply amla juice on my hair directly?

Yes. You can directly apply Amla juice for hair fall or dilute it in water before application. 

  • Does applying hair care products infused with amla improve hair health?

Absolutely yes, using hair care products like shampoo, hair oil, etc helps in improving hair health.